A bad workman blames his tools. 서투른 직공이 연장 탓한다.
Poor workmen never blame themselves but instead blame their tools.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 남의 돈 천냥이 내 돈 한푼만 못하다.
It's better to possess something real right now than to count on finding something better in the future.
Actions speak louder than words. 말하기가 쉽지 행동하기는 어렵다.(말로만 하지 말고 행동으로 실천해라) - 2000 수능
Talk is fine but action is better. A person is usually judged less by the way he speaks than by the way he acts.
A drowning man will catch at a straw. 물에 빠진 사람은 지푸라기라도 잡는 법이다.
A desperate person will try anything to save himself, no matter how unlikely.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 어려울 때의 친구가 참된 친구이다. - 1999 수능
In time of need or hardship it's easy to see who our real friends are.
After a storm comes a calm. 비 온 뒤에 땅이 굳어진다.
A good medicine tastes bitter. 좋은 약은 입에 쓰다.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. 천리 길도 한 걸음부터
Don't be overwhelmed by the difficulty of the project: just get started.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 선무당이 사람 잡는다.
Imcomplete knowledge of a subject is often worse than no knowledge at all.
All is well that ends well. 끝이 좋으면 모든 것이 좋다.
If the result of something is positive, any previous difficulties do not matter.
All roads lead to Rome. 모든 길은 로마로 통한다.
All that glitters is not gold. 반짝인다고 다 금은 아니다.
The appearance of a thing or person can be deceptive.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 일(공부)만 하고 놀지 않으면 바보가 된다.
A man is known by the company he keeps. 친구를 보면 그 사람을 알 수 있다.
Choose your friends wisely: your reputation can be either harmed or enhanced by association.
A picture is worth a thousand words. 백문이 불여일견 - 1999 수능
Visual images have a greater impact than words.
A problem shared is a problem halved. 슬픔은 나누면 반이 된다. - 1998 수능
A rolling stone gathers no moss. 구르는 돌에는 이끼가 끼지 않는다.
A person who never stays long in one place will never be encumbered by responsibilities. Conversely, the person who is on the move all the time will never accomplish much either.
A sound mind in a sound body. 건강한 신체에 건전한 정신 - 1995 수능
A stitch in time saves nine. 제 때의 한 바늘이 아홉 바늘의 수고를 던다.
If you deal with problems immediately, when they first appear, you will save yourself a lot of money ad trouble later.
As you sow, so (shall) you reap. 뿌린 대로 거둔다.
People bear responsibility for the results of their actions.
A tree is known by its fruit. 과일을 보면 나무를 알 수 있다.
People should be judged by the character of their children.
A watched pot never boils. 서둔다고 일이 되는 것은 아니다.
If you hang around, waiting for something to happen, it never will.
Bad news travels fast. 나쁜 소식은 빨리 퍼진다.
News about people's problems and misfortunes spreads like wildfire, much faster than good news.
Barking dogs seldom bite. 짖는 개는 물지 않는다.
Don't be afraid of a dog that barks and a person who yells. Great barkers are no biters. They may be all teeth and no bite. They do not constitute any real danger.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 제 눈에 안경
Beauty exists in the mind that observe it. Too often people disagree as to whether a person or thing is beautiful. It is truly an individual matter and depends on tastes. Usually said of a person or thing whose beauty does not meet the generally accepted standard.
Beggars can't be choosers. 거지는 찬밥 더운 밥 가릴 처지가 아니다.
One should not be picky if one gets something for free.
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining. 고생 끝에 낙
Better late than never. 아예 안 하는 것보다는 차라리 늦는 것이 낫다. 1994 수능
It is better when something is done late, or wen something good happens late, than never at all.
Birds of a feather flock together. 깃이 같은 새는 끼리끼리 모인다. 유유상종.
People who have similar interests and beliefs are usually attracted to eac other.
Blood is thicker than water. 피는 물보다 진하다. - 1997 수능
Relationships witin the family are stronger than any other kind.
Constant dripping wears away the stone. 물방울이 돌을 뚫는다.
Do (to others) as you would be done by. 대접받고 싶으면 먼저 대접해라. - 1995 수능
Don't bite off more than you can chew. 능력 밖의 일을 하려고 하지 마라.
Don't try to do more than you can realistically handle. Don't overestimate your abilities.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 은혜를 원수로 갚지 마라.
Don't cause pain to the person or institution that helps or supports you.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. 김칫국부터 마시지 마라
Don't think that your success, victory, or projected accomplishment is a sure thing until it actually occurs. Used as advice not to be too optimistic.
Don't cry before you are hurt. 다치기도 전에 울지 마라. - 1994 수능
Don't judge a book by its cover. 외모로 사람을 판단하지 마라.
Don't judge things by their appearance only.
Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his boots. 그 사람의 처지가 되보기 전에 함부로 판단하지 마라.
Don't criticize another perosn's work until you've tried to do it yourself; don't judge another person's life until you've been forced to live it.
Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire. 안 좋은 일을 피하려다가 더 안좋은 일에 빠지지 말아라.
Don't go from a difficult situation into a worse one.
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. 침소봉대 하지 마라.
Don't make a big fuss over a trifle.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 달걀 더미를 하나의 자루에 넣지 마라.(위험을 분산시켜라) - 2000 수능
Spread your risk; don't put all you have into one business or one undertaking.
Don't put the cart before the horse. 본말을 전도하지 마라.
Don't get things in the wrong order.
Easier said than done. 행동하는 것보다 말하기가 더 쉽다. - 1996, 1999 수능
It is easier to advise someone to do something than it is to actually do it.
Easy come, easy go. 쉽게 번 돈은 쉽게 쓴다.
Money acquired without much effort is also spent without much effort.
Empty vessels make the greatest noise. 빈 수레가 요란하다.
Even Homer sometimes nods. 원숭이도 나무에서 떨어질 때가 있다.
Nobody can be at his best all the time. Even the greates make a mistake now and then.
Everybody's business is nobody's business. 모든 사람의 책임은 누구의 책임도 아니다.
Every cloud has a siliver lining. 나쁜 일에도 좋은 일이 생길 여지는 있다.
Some good may come out of any gloomy situation.
Every dog has his day. 쥐구멍에도 해 뜰 날 있다.
Every personwill, sooner or later, have a srtoke of good fortune and thus a day of joy.
Every man knows his own business best. 자기의 일은 자기가 제일 잘 안다. - 2000 수능
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