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우유먹는 希동물원 생후7일 새끼곰

☞조류·곤충·동물/동물의 세계

by 산과벗 2006. 4. 6. 15:43


우유먹는 希동물원 생후7일 새끼곰YONHAP NO-734 SEOK (AP)

Baloo, left, and Winnie, two seven-day-old brown bears weighing around 400 grams (14 ounces), drink milk at Attica Zoological Park in Spata, near Athens, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2006. The cubs were abandoned by their mother who refused to feed them, zoo officials said. Fully grown brown bears weigh around 300 kilos (660 pounds) and live for an average 25 years. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

19일 아테네 근처 스파타의 아티카동물공원에서 새끼에게 젖을 주기를 거부해 버려진 생후 7일된 몸무게 400g의 갈색 새끼곰 발루(왼쪽)와 위니 형제가 (사육사들이 주는) 우유병을 빨고있다

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